Vermont – Heather Purple

Inhabitants of northern Wales are believed to have been the first to take advantage of slate’s natural cleavage for the production of roofing slate around 1300 a.d.Over several centuries the Welsh developed a proud tradition of slate production,one that continues to this day.In the mid 1800’s Welsh immigrants brought their slate working experience to the northeastern U.S. starting what was to become a major industry in the area.

Purple slate,quarried in the “Slate Valley” region of Vermont is a very unique and popular slate,used not only in the U.S.A. and north America but also in the European region.Because of it’s superior properties and unique purple heather appearance,it has proven to be a true alternative to the Welsh “Blue Bangor” slate but with a significant cost savings.

Economical – a true purple heather slate at a very competitive rate compared to Welsh slate.

EU Certification – Vermont slate conforms to the highest standards(comparable to Welsh slate) within the BSEN 12326 achieving A1,S1,T1 classification.A copy is available on request.

Guarantee – Vermont slate is supplied with a written guarantee for a period of 100 years.

Format – Vermont heather purple slates are in available in the following sizes-510mmx305mm and 505mmx255mm

Coverage – Slate coverage per m2 510mm x 305mm – 15.5 no. / 505mm x 255mm – 19.0 no.

Please allow 5% extra for cutting

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